Thursday 5 January 2012

Ragtime Gal

Alright it's time to warn you. You are a single woman with lots of time to hang with friends, but at least half of your friends are in relationships and don't have as much time for you (or you don't care to hang with the chimp hanging off their arm). This leaves the single male friends. Now I warn you, they will think about you naked as that's what men do (they can't help it). They may imagine different ways to convince you to succumb to their masculine fantasies (dirty raunchy fantasies possibly involving boats), and they may pounce you if you leave yourself vulnerable (passed out drunk on the couch, porch or wherever). BE PREPARED!!!! Usually fucking your friends is not a good idea, I mean it works...sometimes...but usually only on the pretense that the fucking is why you are friends. So I suggest avoiding it at all costs. We will get to the “fuck buddy” later.

Now if you are put into an awkward situation and really don't know how to say no and it's beyond changing the subject, mention how much you enjoy dude time with him. Or if you have already slipped and are making out, mention you are riding the cotton pony. Most dudes think that's sick (if you are in a relationship it's different), but some are desperate and may have come all the way over from 4 blocks down the next street with a bag of wine, and will not accept defeat so easily. Well I'll be honest that was me and I caved, more or less because I was intrigued by this obsession and he was a notch I hadn't scored a few years prior, and I really wasn't sure how to say no. Plus, I like to acquire experience. I figured we were past the point of no return anyway and he would leave right after. (insert Phantom music)

Honestly if you really want to keep yourself safe just casually mention that you have a man friend and leave it at that. Yeah you may be lying (or not, research and development baby), but it's for the greater good.


He didn't leave he stayed the night, and now we don't really have a friendship.